Customers often ask if I can calibrate their fridge. This is not quite the right question. But I know exactly what you mean. You need to know and to show your auditors/sponsors/boss or the cold chain coordinator, that the fridge or freezer and your logger is performing correctly and that your valuable contents are at the expected temperature. This is what I do. Sometimes called performance validation and sometimes (unfortunately) calibration.
What is calibrated (by an IANZ accredited facility) is my thermometers. This part is really important.
For your vaccine fridge and associated logger, I will send you a logger a day or two in advance of my arrival. On arrival at your place I will perform a thorough check of the vaccine fridge to ensure it is still fit for purpose. Complete temperature measurements, record the data and leave you with a report/certificate. This is necessary for cold chain support.
For other units for example your -80°C ULT freezer the process is similar but does not include sending a logger. Using my calibrated thermometers I compare the results for your freezer, your logger and my calibrated thermometer. Similarly I leave you with or send you a certificate.
Any questions, please feel free to phone or 0800 or email or try the contact page here.